Warren buffet Investing formula
Warren Buffet is one of the most successful investors in history. He has an estimated net worth of $78.4 billion, making him the third-richest person on the planet. During his career, he's made countless investments and built Berkshire Hathaway into a powerful company that makes billions of dollars each year by investing in businesses across the globe. While there are many different ways to invest money, Buffett's philosophy on investing can help you learn some important things about investing your own money as well:
A stock is a piece of business
A stock is a piece of business.
In this sense, stocks are pieces of ownership in a business. They represent an ownership interest in the process by which you can make money from your investments. If you own shares in Microsoft, for example, then when their stock price goes up (or down), it means that there's more demand for their products relative to other companies' products—and therefore more money available for those who invest in them and know how to use them properly!
Define Investing at your own terms
Investing is not gambling. It’s a long-term investment strategy that allows you to build wealth over time, which can be used for many things other than just making money.
Investing isn't trading or speculating on the stock market (although these can be good ways to make money). Investing means buying an asset with the expectation of holding it for some period of time and then selling it at an amount greater than what you originally paid for it—but only if your expectations were correct!
Do valuation and margin of safety
To determine the value of a company, you need to know its current market price. The formula for determining this is as follows:
Value = Current Market Price – Cash on Hand
You can also use this formula to calculate your margin of safety, which is the amount you can afford to lose before it becomes unprofitable. This means that if your stock's value falls below 80% of its initial price (i.e., $20), then there's no point in buying it anymore because it would cost more than what most investors would pay for such a riskier investment opportunity—and that might be too risky for them! You want at least 100% coverage here so that even if things go wrong later on down the road (like when prices drop), then at least there won't be any losses due purely due to market forces rather than bad decisions made by management teams or shareholders alike...
Buy when market is down
When the market is down, it’s a good time to buy. This is true for value investors who are looking for undervalued stocks and also for those who want to increase their portfolio size quickly.
Buy when market is down.
Buy low-priced companies with good fundamentals that have been undervalued by the market.
Look for the long-term sustainability of the company
The first thing you need to look for is the long-term sustainability of the company. That means it needs to have a sustainable competitive advantage, or moat. You can tell if a company has a moat by looking at how much of its sales are from just one customer (the "moat" customer), and how many customers it has in total (the "moat" market).
A high return on capital refers to the amount that investors get paid back after buying shares in an investment firm or mutual fund. If this number is high, then your investment may be considered attractive because it will generate more money than other options available within its industry space. A high ROIC also indicates stability among investors who hold onto their shares over time; therefore they’re less likely to sell out at any given moment unless there’s something else compelling them otherwise--like fear of loss due poor performance during particular time periods."
Warren buffets philosophy on investing.
Warren Buffet's philosophy is to buy when the market is down and sell when it's up.
This translates into investing in businesses that are at a good price and with long-term sustainability.
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