Warren buffet Investing formula
Introduction Warren Buffet is one of the most successful investors in history. He has an estimated net worth of $78.4 billion, making him the third-richest person on the planet. During his career, he's made countless investments and built Berkshire Hathaway into a powerful company that makes billions of dollars each year by investing in businesses across the globe. While there are many different ways to invest money, Buffett's philosophy on investing can help you learn some important things about investing your own money as well: A stock is a piece of business A stock is a piece of business. In this sense, stocks are pieces of ownership in a business. They represent an ownership interest in the process by which you can make money from your investments. If you own shares in Microsoft, for example, then when their stock price goes up (or down), it means that there's more demand for their products relative to other companies' products—and therefore more money a...